Tag Archives: The Walking Dead


The fab four stages of my needing a haircut.

Ladies and gentleman: My Haircut! Follow the gear fab layers my hair gets up (and down!) to as it slowly descends into post-apocalyptic madness before finally groping its way through the fires of Mordor (where it presumably ends up in the toilet after being bitten off)! We are pleased to bring you: The Spock, The Arthur, The Daryl and The Frodo. And, while it pains me that this may be necessary, I’ll link to “The Arthur” to explain.

PS – Currently reaching critical Frodo. I cannot recall the snip of a scissor, the smell of product or what my neck looks like…

The Walking Dead: This Charming Man

I’m just as psyched as anyone to see how Tasha Yar will manage to die in the upcoming fifth season of The Walking Dead. But before we move on to new foes and friends (and their respective deaths), I felt compelled to look back on the smooth-talkingest, rock-star bad guy to grace the show. I refer, of course, to Philip Blake, aka The Governor, aka Brian Heriot, portrayed by David Morrissey. Like Bill Clinton, I’d have voted that guy into office for life. But, if The Walking Dead teaches us anything, it’s that all life is change and suffering. Actually, that’s Buddhism, but you get my point.


And, to answer the age-old question of how many talented, British men with great hair named Morrissey does it take to make a Walking Dead tribute video, the answer is two.


Lord of the Things

Lord of the Things